Transport-layer security is more effective than its predecessor SSL, and its latest version - TLS 1.3 - improves both privacy and performance. Transport Layer Security 1.3 was officially finalized ...
An international team has utilized an n-type polymeric additive to stabilize C60 molecules for use in inverted perovskite PV ...
Polybus offers a family of InfiniBand Transport Layer Cores for use in Data Acquisition, High Performance Computing and Networking Applications. For Data Acquisition and Networking applications, ...
Microsoft has confirmed that it will be formally disabling TLS (Transport Layer Security) versions 1.0 and 1.1 very soon on Windows. In a blog post titled "TLS 1.0 and TLS 1.1 soon to be disabled ...
The silicon-integrated hole transport layer, crafted using microlithography, promises to power the next generation of VR, AR, and wearable devices with sharper images and greater energy efficiency.
The researchers built the cell with a hole transport layer (HTL) based on PEDOT:PSS and were reportedly able to reduce the losses caused by this compound with the utilisation of a thiocyanate additive ...
Two significant technical shifts will be important in the effort to build cyber resilience in the public sector, according to the Society for Innovation, Technology and Modernisation (Socitm).