Identical triplets are rare, and they occur at a rate of 1 in 20 million or 30 million. These identicals, just like twins, come from the same fertilized egg that splits into separate embryos.
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A MUM-OF-THREE has revealed the most common things people say to her when she takes her identical triplets ... including 16 pairs of twins and seven sets of triplets. Mrs. Vassilyev has given ...
That might seem surprising upon finding out that, when armadillos get jiggy with it, only one egg is fertilized. But, like ...
Tasmanian Multiple Birth Association president Rachel Callen said while there were a number of sets of triplets in Tasmania comprising identical twins and a fraternal triplet, it was extremely ...
With the start of the 2025 academic year, Laerskool Impala welcomed various sets of twins and triplets. Grade One twins are Emile and Annebelle Nieuwoudt, Joshua and Jessica Harmse and Denike and ...