HBO 剧集《真探》里曾经传达出一个观点: 永远不要相信那个戴 Bolo 领带的人 ,而《黄石》剧集里也有一幕,里普指着贝克的 Bolo 领带说:“你不应该这么穿”,这对于一个无所畏惧、注重细节、尊重传统的男人来说,是一种额外的侮辱。这也恰恰说明了以前正确佩戴 Bolo 领带的重要性,因为松松垮垮、胡乱搭配的话不但不能加分,反而遭来一身嫌。
On that note, patent leather shoes, made from shiny leather, are the best (and possibly only) shoes to wear with your tuxedo.
Unlike its cousin from across the border, the Texas tuxedo, the Canadian version skips accessories like cowboy hats and bolo ties. Instead, it’s all about letting the denim take center stage.