There are more than 30 antiretroviral medications in six drug classes; these are listed below. Each class of drug attacks HIV at a different stage of the HIV lifecycle. There are six main types ...
The cohort included all patients who were initiated on ART between May 2006 and May 2009 and had at least one follow up clinical visit after commencing ARVs between May 2009 and May 2010.
And even if I introduce you to the farmers using ARVs, they will not confess nor open up on how they get the drugs.” However, another source divulged to The Standard on Sunday how some ...
KEMSA load ARVs worth 2.2 billion to 31 counties [Jenipher Wachie, Standard] The Ministry of Health has received 75,000 packs of child-friendly Anti-Retroviral drugs, which could be a breakthrough ...