The aircraft is meant to develop and mature rotor blown wing design, which can now be applied to larger aircraft for unmanned ...
Canadian start-up Horizon Aircraft has almost wrapped up flight tests of a half-scale version of its Cavorite X7 - a ...
Sikorsky, a Lockheed Martin company has successfully validated the advanced control laws to successfully fly a ‘rotor blown ...
The twin prop-rotor prototype, weighing 115lb and powered by batteries, offers stability across all flight regimes.
Sikorsky has successfully completed vertical-to-forward flight transitions of its autonomous rotor-blown-wing demonstrator, ...
Aerospace giant Sikorsky announced it has conducted a series of flight tests for the rotor blown wing drone being developed ...
Lockheed Martin's Sikorsky has successfully flown its "rotor blown wing" drone in both helicopter and fixed-wing flight modes ...
[Peter Ryseck]’s Mini QBIT quadrotor biplane brings in some of the efficiency of fixed-wing flight, without all the complexity usually associated with VTOL aircraft. The Mini QBIT is just a 3 ...
For a long time fixed wing VTOL drones were tricky to work with, but with the availability of open source flight control and autopilot software this has changed. To make experimentation even ...
Lockheed Martin subsidiary Sikorsky has successfully flown an electric-powered, 115-lb (52-kg) autonomous drone that uses ...