The Elk Management Zone of Virginia consists of Wise, Buchanan and Dickenson counties. This year’s hunt will take place Oct. 11-17. Five antlered elk licenses will be made available through the ...
Since the reintroduction in 2016, 74 West Virginia elk have died of one thing or another, 54 of those were confirmed to be a ...
The West Virginia Senate has passed legislation that would further weaken measures designed to prevent water crises in ...
In fact, Elk Hill officials recently collected surplus chairs and tables from the UVA ReUse Store to help furnish a new group ...
River flooding proves to be driving force in southern WV devastation as Tug Fork rivals highest recorded crest The Tug Fork River came close to the highest recorded crest in both Kermit and ...
A West Virginia panel of legislators has approved further weakening measures designed to prevent water crises in response to the 2014 Elk River chemical leak that contaminated the drinking water ...
For Elk Hill, a Central Virginia nonprofit providing education, community support and residential treatment for youth, the University of Virginia’s ReUSE Store is like having a neighborhood thrift ...