A major construction company and SafeWork discussed strategies to protect tunnel workers from deadly airborne hazards five ...
这将有效缓解悉尼海港大桥、Harbour Tunnel、Anzac Bridge以及Western Distributor的交通拥堵情况,使澳洲最繁忙的公路之一的通行更加便捷。 交通厅长Jenny Aitchison形容这一升级项目好比“在进行马拉松的过程中进行心脏 手术”,因为工程是在繁忙的交通环境中实施的。
澳洲大型道路建设管理公司Transurban获准控股悉尼庞大的收费公路项目WestConnex。该公司几乎控制着悉尼所有的收费公路。 监管机构澳大利亚竞争和 ...
Excavation equipment has now churned through about a million tonnes of rock deep below the north shore, completing two-thirds ...
The Western Harbour Tunnel and Warringah Freeway upgrade were joined together for the first time since works began in mid-2021.
Aluminum Facade Blades and Aluminium Click-on Battens from Sculptform have been used to create an iconic feature around a tunnel entrance and the ventilation systems of the WestConnex M8 Junction.
In the lead up to the September 9 election for the forcibly amalgamated Inner West Council, Labor candidates are feeling the pressure of strong community opposition to the multi-billion-dollar ...