The Scientist spoke with marine biologist and barnacle researcher John Zardus about why turtle barnacles—previously thought to be immobile—in fact slowly travel. He thinks the answer is food. Chloe ...
These sea creatures are known as Lucifer's fingers. The barnacles are a delicacy in Europe, but catching them isn't easy. Fishermen risk their lives to find them, climbing over slippery cliffs and ...
That creates a record of the oceans they’ve been in as passengers on whales. To see if barnacles had the same properties long ago, Taylor hunted down fossils that lived on early humpback whales ...
This shows adult barnacles on a cliff. Disclaimer: AAAS and EurekAlert! are not responsible for the accuracy of news releases posted to EurekAlert! by contributing institutions or for the use of ...
When it comes to fashioning hard-boiled eggs for Easter — the correct term is actually hard-cooked — you don't want rubbery whites or shells clinging like barnacles or a sickly greenish ring around ...
Also, cheap wind turbines turn out to be terrible, barnacles might give a clue to the whereabouts of MH370, and infosec can really make use of cheap microcontrollers.
According to former Howard government minister Peter McGauran, the move is a classic example of "clearing the barnacles". “Just get rid of the irritants because the pubs were going to campaign ...