如今这头大象被塞进名为 Docker 的纸箱,每天要被亚马逊的货轮运送 36 次,每次开箱都可能少条腿——别误会,这是 Kubernetes 在优雅地驱逐 Pod。 JVM 看着 cgroup 的 CPU quota 瑟瑟发抖,默默把 ParallelGCThreads 调到 128——然后被 OOMKiller 一枪爆头。
本文通过分析一段使用 ConcurrentHashMap 的代码发现,该段代码在 JDK 24 中比 JDK 23 快了 20% 以上,这一性能提升源于 JVM 对标量替换优化的改进。
The Java ecosystem supports a host of outstanding back-end frameworks, including many written for modern languages like Scala ...
Xeal, the only smart EV charging solution with a 100% uptime guarantee powered by its patented self-reliant computing technology, today announced the significant expansion of its partnership with JVM ...
JVM, a subsidiary of Hanmi Science, announced on the 6th that its consolidated operating profit last year was 30.7 billion won, representing a 3.0% increase compared to the previous year.
Ashwik, a student of Class III of JVM Shyamali has authored a book named “105 Uncommon Facts about the Animal World- Junior Encyclopedia”. The book was presented to the Governor of Jharkhand. The book ...