我们饲养的是红蚯蚓compost worm,这种蚯蚓是大胃王,它和很粗大灰色的地蚯蚓不一样,专门吃半腐烂的食物。 如果买现成的蚯蚓农场worm farm ...
本期节目,张崇炎要接着分享喂食蚯蚓的注意事项。 有2—3层的蚯蚓箱(蚯蚓农场——worm farming)在满负荷下每星期差不多可以消灭4公斤厨余。
Is a worm bin better than compost? It depends on your situation, but theoretically, yes. All composting is a wise move for sustainably disposing of food waste and making nutrient-rich soil for ...
Once the top box is full, switch with the middle box and add food to the empty top box. The worms will slowly move up into the new box. Adding a little compost from the full box can help encourage the ...
Fertile Earth Worm Farm, an operation in Homestead, is handling the processing of food scraps into compost for the program. “ Everything in nature is a cycle,” said Fertile Earth Worm Farm ...
It really has fostered a sense of environmental responsibility in our community,” said one village council member.
As a worm digests its food, 48 different bacteria assist in the process and they remain in the excreted ... coffee grounds, and table scraps as well. The compost is brewed into a tea for application ...
While the debate rages on about what to do with all the trash we generate in South Florida and whether we need more ...
et cetera), nitrogen-rich “greens” (food scraps like apple cores or banana peels), water, and air. Over time, bacteria break down the scraps to create compost, a soil additive rich in plant ...