The slingjaw wrasse, Epibulus insidiator, is a species of wrasse with an astounding jaw. Its mouth can extend over half the length of the fish's body. The fish can protrude its jaws longer than ...
Fishing-crazy presenters Dean Macey and Adam Rooney are joined by England international angler Matt Godfrey as they head to Dorset to land carp, a specimen wrasse, and chub.
like the Hawaiian cleaner wrasse and flame wrasse. Hinalea were integral to society and fishing communities. Some species were a staple food item in the Hawaiian diet and regularly used in ...
Keeping snapper from the Gulf of St Vincent, West Coast, and Spencer Gulf is illegal while snapper fishing closures are ... exceeding the daily bag limit of wrasse, and failing to carry suitable ...
The 42-year-old Port Lincoln man was found with six snapper, two undersized Nannygai (Bight Redfish), six wrasse, and unsuitable safety equipment after being stopped by Fisheries officers in June.