在六大知名国产CPU品牌中,龙芯和海光被许多业内人士视为最具前景的两大品牌。龙芯之所以备受瞩目,是因为它已经走上了全面自研的道路,不仅不再依赖MIPS指令集,还推出了完全自主研发的LoongArch指令集。这一举措不仅让龙芯在技术上实现了自主可控,还 ...
[Christopher Domas] details his obsession with hidden processor instructions, and how he discovered an intentional backdoor in certain x86 processors. These processors have a secondary RISC core ...
While 2013 was a down year for PCs in general, there were still plenty of x86 processors sold during the 12-month span. According to data from the NPD Group, a Port Washington, N.Y.-based market ...
Want to roll your own x86 computer from scratch? Consider this schematic (pdf warning) from [Scott’s] 8088 SCB project. Take a look at the processor – he’s only using 16 of the address lines.
【itbear】国产cpu处理器市场百花齐放,兆芯处理器凭借其兼容x86架构、不受发展限制的优势脱颖而出。近期,有评测指出兆芯开先kx-7000处理器不仅是 ...
contributing to the design and manufacture of x86 processors for both PCs and embedded systems. Over the years, IBM has played a pivotal role in advancing the x86 platform, shaping its growth and ...
其中,六大国产CPU品牌——龙芯、鲲鹏、飞腾、兆芯、申威、海光,正通过不同的技术路线努力打破国外垄断。 这六大品牌中,海光和兆芯采用X86 ...
Group to influence the future direction of the dominant microprocessor architecture. The x86 processor has been a dominant tech paradigm since the 1980s—and the most widely used computing ...
While the latest x86 CPU market share report reflects the ongoing threat AMD poses to Intel at a challenging time in the latter company’s history, it wasn’t all bad news for Intel. AMD is 1 ...
That's why I certainly take the AMD representative seriously when they say it is "simply the most advanced mobile x86 processor ever created". The only question is price and target market.
Update: More related testing suggests Microsoft's Windows 11 is actually generally slower on Intel non-hybrid parts. Intel moved to a hybrid x86 CPU design for its 12th generation of Core ...
AMD has launched what one executive called “the most advanced mobile X86 processor ever created” at CES 2025: The Ryzen AI Max and AI Max+, with absolutely massive capabilities to run graphics ...