A family of x86 coprocessors from Intel for parallel computing. Dubbed the "Many Integrated Core" (MIC) architecture, Xeon Phi chips run at lower speeds than ordinary Intel CPUs but make up for ...
美国阿贡国家实验室最近宣布,经过多年的研发与建设,Aurora超级计算机已全面开放,成为全球首台具备Exascale级别计算能力的超级计算机。这一令人瞩目的时刻,不仅标志着科学计算领域的技术里程碑,也为人工智能(AI)和高性能计算(HPC)注入了新的 ...
Summit was deployed with four types of nodes: general compute (shas), GPU (sgpu), high-memory (smem), and Intel Xeon Phi (sknl). An additional general compute type with newer processors (ssky) was ...
IT之家 1 月 30 日消息,据 Tom's Hardware 今日报道,美国阿贡国家实验室宣布,其 Aurora 超级计算机现已全面投入使用,并正式向全球科学界开放。Aurora 早在 2015 年就已公布,但因多次延迟才终于完成。它能够提供超过 ...
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