An acclaimed Italian chemist dubbed the 'Father of Nutella' for his work on the world-famous Ferrero spread died on Valentine's Day aged 97, his family have shared. Francesco Rivella, a widowed ...
Francesco Rivella, the Italian chemist credited with helping to create Nutella, passed away on February 14 at the age of 97. Dubbed the "father of Nutella" by Italian media, Rivella played a key ...
Francesco Rivella, the chemist who developed the beloved hazelnut spread Nutella, has passed away at the age of 97. Rivella worked for Ferrero, joining in 1952, and played a crucial role in the ...
An der Entwicklung der Nuss-Nougat-Creme Nutella war Francesco Rivella maßgeblich beteiligt. Das Logo von Nutella kennt wohl jeder – was dabei auffällt: Das „N“ ist schwarz, während die ...
Nutella gehört zu den beliebtesten Brotaufstrichen weltweit, und zwar seit 60 Jahren! Am 5. Februar feiern wir den Welt-Nutella-Tag, dieser Tag wurde übrigens nicht von Ferrero, sondern von ...