Destiny 2 has a new monster gun and it is dominating Crucible and Trials of Osiris in ways we have rarely seen before.
A leak has possibly revealed Destiny 2 DLC as part of a pre-order bonuses for Bungie's upcoming new game, Marathon.
Destiny 2’s Trials of Osiris was dominated by one weapon that scored four times more kills than Outbreak Perfected across the entire weekend.
Destiny 2 players notice that the developer has possibly introduced a new secret buff for one of the game's enemies in the ...
Destiny 2 fans have discovered a secret "annoying" buff that is overwhelming players and desperately needs fixing.
Destiny 2’s received numerous expansions since launch in 2017 and keeping track of their release order and availability isn’t simple.
Bungie reveals the return of Moments of Triumph for Destiny 2, teasing new rewards, milestones, as well as confirming the ...
The past two Episodes of Destiny 2’s post-Final Shape story content have not been amazing, but that has changed with the ...
Grenade Launchers are one of the strongest weapon archetypes in Destiny 2 — today, we're ranking the very best of them.
There's no doubt that among the dungeons that Bungie has done in the past few years, Sundered Doctrine is probably the most ...
Drifter might play a key role in introducing the group of people that might play a crucial role in the Destiny 2's next saga.
Bungie has turned a Destiny 2 bug that mistakenly made class-locked Exotic weapons available to all into a feature.