Scientists say small changes in the way the Earth orbits the sun hold the key in major global changes in climate, like ice ...
Scientists have determined exactly how Earth's orbit and tilt affect glaciation and deglaciation, based on the length of ...
Over 700 million years ago, Earth experienced a dramatic climate event known as the Sturtian glaciation, one of the most ...
Earth’s climate has never been static. It shifts between warm interglacial periods and deep freezes, driven by complex ...
Earth’s climate follows a natural cycle of ice ages and warm periods. A new study shows that small orbital changes drive ...
Earth emerged from the last ice age around 11,700 years ago. A new analysis suggests the next one could be expected in 10,000 ...
The research, published Thursday, February 27, in the journal Science, found a strong connection between Earth’s axial tilt ...
Earth's history is a roller-coaster of climate fluctuations, of relative warmth giving way to frozen periods of glaciation ...
It has been assumed that changes in the Earth's orbit around the sun are responsible for the ice age cycles. It is now clear ...
Glacial cycles aren’t random; they follow a predictable rhythm dictated by Earth’s orbit. A study analyzing climate records ...
The work elucidates how it came to pass. Obliquity causes variation in seasonality over a 41,000-year period, which affects how much total energy the higher latitudes get in summer. Precession changes ...
"Many of them had feathers, [so] they could insulate themselves just like mammals can," Brusatte said. In addition, some ...