达拉斯联邦储备银行行长Lorie Logan敦促决策者未来几个月保持谨慎,重申通胀率降低未必会导致进一步降息。 “即使我们确实拿到更好的数据 ...
Dallas Federal Reserve Bank President Lorie Logan on Tuesday floated the idea of allocating a "modest" part of the Fed's balance sheet to loans and repos, perhaps holding a daily auction of ...
达拉斯联储行长萝莉·洛根(Lorie Logan)周四表示,美联储可能需要至少在“相当一段时间内”将利率维持在当前水平,即使通胀放缓也可能不是放松 ...
US FEDERAL Reserve Bank of Dallas president Lorie Logan urged policymakers to remain cautious in the coming months, reiterating lower inflation would not necessarily prompt further interest-rate ...
Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas President Lorie Logan said it would be appropriate, in the medium term, for the US central bank to purchase more shorter-term securities than longer-term ones so ...
LONDON, Feb 25 (Reuters) - Dallas Federal Reserve Bank President Lorie Logan on Tuesday floated the idea of allocating a "modest" part of the Fed's balance sheet to loans and repos, perhaps ...
Analysts say issue won't be decided until after central banks ends quantitative tightening Dallas Fed President Lorie Logan on Tuesday backed a plan to change the composition of the Fed's ...