2014年3月8日,马航MH370( 机型:波音777) 载着239名乘客从吉隆坡飞往北京,却在中途失踪,并从雷达上消失。尽管进行了史上最大规模的航空搜救行动,该飞机至今仍未被找到。
交通部在MH370航班失踪11周年之际发表声明称,美国国家运输安全委员会和澳洲运输安全局正协助由海底勘探公司Ocean Infinity 领导的搜索工作。
针对政府为何决定重启搜寻时,他说,政府授权的美国海底勘探公司Ocean Infinity整合了来自不同专家与研究团队的数据,并确信过去错过的区域极有 ...
The Boeing 777 departed the Malaysian capital about 12.45am and disappeared in airspace over the South China Sea. Now, US ...
US-British robotics firm Ocean Infinity have their vessel, Armada 7806, poised in the area waiting to dispatch their autonomous undersea drones to the sea floor six kilometres below. The drones ...
Now, US robotics company Ocean Infinity is scouring a 15,000km zone in the Indian Ocean over an 18-month timeframe. The company searched for and failed to find MH370 in 2018, but experts Craig ...