10:15 射击 女子10米气手枪决赛 12:45 射箭 女子团体决赛 13:50 跳水 女子双人3米板决赛 14:30 射击 男子10米气步枪决赛 15:15 举重 男子61公斤级决赛 18:50 举重 男子67公斤级决赛 13:50 射击 女子飞碟双向决赛 14:00 跳水 男子双人10米台决赛 15:15 射箭 男子团体铜牌赛、决赛 ...
He has a record of 16 wins in 21 marathons, including 10 consecutive victories from 2014-19. Read more at straitstimes.com.
The IOC is the undisputed champion of running the most tightly managed sports election. It's been compared by veteran Olympic ...
FloTrack will provide on-site coverage of the 2020 U.S. Olympic Marathon Trials in Atlanta, GA. FloTrack will provide on-site coverage of the 2020 U.S. Olympic Marathon Trials in Atlanta, GA.
Instead, Bandit Running offers Olympic hopefuls the all-black kits and warmups — along with short-term endorsement deals.
There will be five (well, actually six) new sports added to the programme at the Tokyo 2020 Olympic Games ... most ‘runs’ by hitting a ball and running around a sequence of bases to reach ...
The 40-year-old Kenyan, who won back-to-back Olympic titles in 2016 and 2020, became in 2019 the first ... "This is not only my first time running the TCS Sydney Marathon, but also my first ...