Research taking place in Ontario schools is poised to help children around the world lead healthier lives. Brock University ...
Yvonne Messenger, a PhD in Educational Studies candidate, will defend the thesis “Navigating a Rapidly Changing Landscape for Teaching Literacy: A Mixed-Methods Study of Kindergarten Educators’ ...
The PhD in Educational Studies is offered jointly by Brock University, Lakehead University and the University of Windsor. This program prepares graduates to contribute to developing knowledge and ...
To be considered for admission to a Master’s program, a student will normally hold a four-year degree, or its equivalent, from an accredited university with a minimum 75% (mid-B) average over the last ...
Our Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA) program combines professionally oriented business courses with studies in social sciences, humanities and mathematics and science. A combination of case ...
The SCLA program is an interdisciplinary and interfaculty program that not only focuses on the study of literature from different nations but also examines the ways in which literature enters into ...
The MIWSFPA Visual Art Gallery (VISA Gallery) is a dynamic space supporting creativity, dialogue, and intellectual exchange. Located within the Marilyn I. Walker School of Fine and Performing Arts, ...
The Master of Science in Material Physics International Student Program (ISP) provides intensive hands-on graduate training in advanced experimental, theoretical, and computational techniques of ...
Debra has been involved in the area of Early Childhood Education for more than 20 years. As a practitioner and researcher, Debra has worked directly with educators, families and young children in ...
Psychology is the scientific study of human behaviour, and the program at Brock offers a diverse approach to this exciting field of study. We offer courses that cover topics relevant to a wide range ...
The fully online Master of Public Health bridges distance and brings together students and faculty who care deeply about doing their part, now and in the future. To shape the well-being of local, ...
The 19th annual Start with Strategies conference offers sessions designed to address the unique needs of incoming first-year students with a documented permanent or temporary disability or health ...