The One Fifteen at MIMA is a series of informal lunchtime talks, in which academics at Teesside University talk about current research and take questions from the audience. Everyone is welcome and no ...
We are an international team with a mission to engage students, parents and partners in the pursuit of world-class education and life-changing experiences. The team create opportunities for ...
Through education enriched by research, innovation, and engagement with business and the professions, we develop the next generation of problem solvers, innovators and leaders that employers and ...
We know that shaping the future starts with the right talent today. We help businesses develop and retain top talent, delivering the skills needed to close critical gaps. Out tailored apprenticeships ...
Building on the success of Teesside 2020, the new Corporate Strategy: Ambition Delivered Today, sets out a bold future for the institution over the next five years, driving academic achievement and ...
Delivered at the international gallery and museum, MIMA - this apprenticeship is unique to Teesside University. This unique apprenticeship explores: collection development, management (including ...