Si hacemos 3 series de esta secuencia de estiramientos a diario, conseguiremos poner fin a los dolores y aumentar la flexibilidad.
Without the right lube, you’re much more susceptible to micro-tears in the vaginal mucosa, which can lead to stinging and ...
Circadian rhythm fasting may boast a few benefits, like helping improve body composition, sleep, and more. But is it worth ...
この5年間で「受胎時にまったく避妊をしていなかった」という患者数は、14%増加した(55.8→69.6%)。そのいっぽうで、起床時の体温、オリモノの状態、周期の長さなどから危険日を特定する受胎力自己観察法(Fertility Awareness ...
血液型がO型の人は、A・B・AB型の人よりも現在のノロウイルスの流行株にかかりやすいと言われている。O型の人の消化管には、一部のノロウイルス株に好まれる受容体があるからだ。 「O型の人の体内では、ノロウイルスの病原体が感染可能な場所(腸など)に長く居座りやすいのです」 とポラヴァラプ医師。赤十字社によると、米国人のなんと43%はO型だ。(※日本人は約30%がO型といわれている) ...
El colágeno se ha convertido en uno de los suplementos alimenticios más demandados debido a sus comprobados efectos a la hora de cuidar la piel y mantener un cabello sano. Pero hay uno en concreto del ...
Netflix’s new series Apple Cider Vinegar tells the shocking story of a woman named Belle Gibson, who pretends to have cancer ...
It all has to do with energy production. Creatine can promote muscle growth, boost your energy and mental functions after a ...
Hailee—alongside comedian Wanda Sykes—stars in Novartis' "Your Attention, Please" campaign, which will make its debut during ...
There are few things hotter than that can’t-wait-another-moment, gotta-have-you-now energy—and that’s exactly what the best ...
Creatine is usually used to boost muscle performance, but now it's being linked with being able to think clearly after a poor ...
These platform slippers have an adorable braided design on the outside, but a plush lining on the inside, so your feet will ...