Gov. Andy Beshear’s action on the controversial bill means it will become law without his signature. His other options were ...
Gov. Andy Beshear did not immediately say Thursday if he will sign House Bill 241, which limits state regulation of virtual ...
The Kentucky Department of Education has cited a virtual school for failing to meet requirements. Lawmakers blocked a move to ...
Despite being run by a company, the Kentucky Virtual Academy receives state funding because it is housed under a public school district. In the year before Cloverport partnered with Stride ...
The sponsor said the House voted not to concur with a bill that merged relief for weather-ravaged districts with protection of a virtual school. House and Senate members will form a committee to work ...
The Cloverport City Council last Monday voted to adopt the ordinance increasing the city's sewer rates.  The ordinance will increase the rates by 50%, and it passed on a five-to-one vote. The rate ...
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