近日,美国国防部F-35联合计划办公室(JPO)与洛克希德·马丁公司(NYSE:LMT)发布了2025年2月份简报:F-35全球机队规模已达1110架;累计飞行98.3万小时;已培训合格飞行员2790名;勤务人员17690名。截至2月初,全球F-35 ...
当黎巴嫩总统奥恩签署第1447号军事令,授权对叙利亚境内目标实施报复性打击时,国防部库存数据显示其精确制导弹药仅够维持72小时高强度作战。相较之下,HTS武装在伊德利卜省的非对称作战培训中心,过去三个月接收了超过400架土耳其Bayraktar ...
The F-35 Lightning II is a highly advanced fighter jet, but that didn't stop Elon Musk from critiquing it as one that would ...
In keeping with the ongoing news coming from the Middle East, and the variety of (mostly false) claims about the Islamic Republic of Iran’s hidden military supremacy, it is now time to address one of ...
An F-35I Adir fighter aircraft from Israel's 140th Squadron successfully intercepted a maneuverable missile from Yemen. According to a report by The Aviationist, Israel's air defenses detected and ...
The Jewish state became the first nation outside of the Joint Strike Fighter’s nine-nation co-development group to purchase the F-35 platform back in 2010.
Back in November, an Israeli F-35I Adir fighter downed a cruise missile fired by Iran-backed Houthis in Yemen. It was the first known intercept of a cruise missile made by ...