This blog will help to create a custom edit text on button click.This tutorial includes a xml file which hold a button after click on button create a layout parmas for edit text. Each edit text has ...
Register into FindNerd's Android Developer Forum to post or view latest Android Questions and Answers asked from the mobile developers with their different skills level. This forum is developed for ...
I want to understand about the ATL, TTL and BTL marketing activities and how can I utilize these activities for brand promotion and to reach out to the target customers. Besides, it would be great if ...
This blog is about adding custom Layout to TabLayout. Here we start. 1. Create Project. 2. Open Gradle file of the project. 3. Add design dependencies to the gradle ...
It is possible to create more than one entry point in spring security by assigning the different roles here the code script configuration of springsecurity-context.xml.
Welcome to iOS Developer Forum, an effective platform for solving iOS development questions. This iOS Developer Forum help the registered community members to post questions and answers on latest iOS ...
Hello, i'm very new to python and i would like to fix the "C" button so that it clears the last number on the display. For example 321 would become 32, i have tried a lot of things but i can't seem to ...
Typography is the main element in any design you create. Without proper typography, you can't get your hands on the appropriate design because it plays a huge role in letting people know what your ...
Few days ago, I was creating an ASP.NET Web API by generating Entity Framework scaffolding API controller. There were simply two tables in the database Product and ...
Write a Python program that reads in from a text file. You should briefly prepare a textfile containing information about items sold in a bakery. The information like type of buns,cookies, cakes and ...