双月刊《中国媒体快报》在与中华人民共和国言论审查、新闻自由以及互联网自由相关的事件上提供独特见解。每期内容取自中英文的资料、报导与访谈。 主要事件或趋势的特写 聚焦热门的被审查图片 有关媒体、网民维权活动以及立法变动的最新新闻 追踪中国 ...
The United States is arguably the world’s oldest democracy. Its people benefit from a vibrant electoral system, a strong rule-of-law tradition, robust freedoms of expression and religious belief, and ...
Freedom House recorded more than 1,200 incidents of physical transnational repression during the last decade. WASHINGTON—In 2024, 23 governments reached across borders to silence exiled political ...
Transnational repression threatens security and human rights. The more we know about who is committing it and how, the better we can fight to end it.
Protecting and Promoting Internet Freedom For Policymakers Protect privacy and security Strictly regulate the use of surveillance tools and personal-data collection by government and law enforcement ...
The United States is a federal republic whose people benefit from a vibrant political system, a strong rule-of-law tradition, robust freedoms of expression and religious belief, and a wide array of ...
Serbia is a parliamentary republic in which political parties may form freely and compete in generally credible elections. However, political rights and civil liberties have eroded in recent years ...
Freedom in the World is an annual global report on political rights and civil liberties, composed of numerical ratings and descriptive texts for each country and a select group of territories. The ...
The recommendations listed below are intended to constrain the ability of states to commit acts of transnational repression and to increase accountability for perpetrators of transnational repression.
The following countries—and one territory—featured important developments in 2020 that affected their democratic trajectory, and deserve special scrutiny in 2021. The road to an open democratic ...