Elisha helped build a school of prophets and Paul taught at a school for two years to teach people about Jesus. For family ...
Adventist Health has been recognized by Forbes as one of Oregon’s top large employers, ranking fourth overall and leading as ...
Compassion fatigue is defined as the emotional and physical exhaustion that leads to a diminished ability to empathize with ...
At the conclusion of the evangelistic series held in Alaska, 21 attendees were baptized, a historic moment for the Hispanic ...
Randy Maxwell, prayer ministry leader, returned to the place where he began prayer retreats for Idaho Conference.
Mills and his wife, Pamela, will transition to Alaska Conference over the next few months. They are looking forward to settling down in Anchorage and getting to know all the pastors, staff and ...
Gail Sampson celebrated her 100th birthday July 30, 2017, at her longtime home in Pullman, Wash. Though no longer able to attend church, she keeps up with what is going on, prays for church and ...
Previously Washington Conference outreach ministries, Adventist Community Services, disaster response and personal ministries director from 1985–2017. Dulan is currently the North Pacific Union vice ...
Noviembre 07, 2019, por Katie Linfoot et al.
Paul Vercio and Pat Petersen met and married in Lincoln, Neb. They recently celebrated 60 years of marriage in their home surrounded by children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren. Paul served as ...