現在の世界情勢に安心感を抱く人はいないはずだ。紛争、気候変動、不平等といった現代の最大の諸問題は、2024年に驚異的にエスカレートし、世界中でまさに沸点に達した。 こうした激化 ...
人工知能(AI)はアフリカにとって変革の可能性を秘めているが、AIは責任を持って活用することが極めて重要である。AIがさまざまな分野にますます取り込まれていく中、その利活用が ...
In these difficult months following the 11 March quake and tsunami, it has been a time for reflection and an opportunity to ponder what the future holds in store for Japan. Some hints of what a better ...
Marta Guasp Teschendorff is a research intern at the United Nations University Institute on Globalization, Culture and Mobility (UNU-GCM). Master’s candidate in International Relations at Institut ...
Chicken, beef or pork: they might land on your plate, but are they climate killers? That debate has picked up steam in recent years amid greater awareness of climate issues and a growing trend of ...
The peak oil and climate change imperatives raise real questions about how we can develop alternative sources of energy quickly and to scale. We don’t have the definitive answer as yet, but there are ...
Robert Blasiak from the UNU Institute of Advanced Studies had the opportunity to interview Allan Savory during several bus rides in Nairobi. Savory is a Zimbabwean-born biologist, farmer, game rancher ...
Do you live in the most liveable city in the world? But what does that really mean? We love ranking cities and attaching fancy titles to them. Perhaps you live in a global city? According to the ...
We are entering a new and more intense phase in the ongoing battle for our hearts and minds between eco-modernists and eco-radicals. The former want us to believe that we can solve climate change ...
“If the present trends in world population, industrialization, pollution, food production, and resource depletion continue unchanged, the limits to growth on this planet will be reached sometime ...
Coral reefs contain a quarter of all marine species, despite covering only 0.1 per cent of the world’s oceans by area. Professor Peter Sale, Assistant Director of the UNU Institute for Water, ...
With the topic of peak global oil production moving more into the mainstream, you have perhaps heard of the Canadian oil sands. There, huge tracts of remote forested land are strip-mined to obtain a ...