The following FAQs outline the fundamental provisions of work force Adjustment (WFA) as it applies to indeterminate employees within the Core Public Administration where the employer is the Treasury ...
It has long been the practice in many Departments and Agencies to send established Research Group members for collaborations or advanced training to other research facilities in Canada or abroad, ...
As part of PIPSC's ongoing commitment to advancing public sector science, the union has released a comprehensive new report examining gender equity challenges in scientific fieldwork. Gender Equity in ...
On International Day of Women and Girls in Science, PIPSC is highlighting persistent barriers faced by women scientists in federal research positions, particularly in fieldwork settings. The union has ...
Présentation de la plateforme d’apprentissage Navigar Dans votre convention collective actuelle, nous avons accepté une offre de fonds de formation de 4 725 M$ de la part du Conseil du Trésor. Avec ...
Employees who are not given a guarantee of a reasonable job offer (also known as opting employees) are eligible for alternation. Alternation is a provision within the WFA appendix in the relevant ...
Our scholarships are made possible thanks to the generous donations of our PIPSC community and corporate sponsors. In 2024, the Legacy Foundation is offering a total of 39 scholarships. Thank you to ...
Ex-Officio member of all committees, Interdepartmental Joint Consultation Committee / Membre d'office de tous les comités, Comité interministériel mixte de consultation ...
“[Our vision is] to create a culture that enshrines psychological health, safety and well-being in all aspects of the workplace through collaboration, inclusivity and respect. This obligation belongs ...
We strongly disagree with a one-size-fits-all approach that has no evidence to support it, puts our members’ health and safety at risk, and undermines employee productivity, which negatively impacts ...
A work force adjustment (WFA) situation arises when the service of an employee is no longer required because of: Lack of work Discontinuance of a function A relocation of a work unit where the ...
Les candidats doivent être des enfants ou des petits-enfants de membres titulaires ou retraités en règle de l’IPFPC (les cotisants Rands ne sont pas admissibles). Ils doivent commencer leur première ...