Area 03 (Local 103) All Component One worksites within Vancouver and vicinity, consisting of the area north of the South Arm of the Fraser River inland as far as Golden Ears Park and north to Jervis ...
Area 05 (Local 105) All Component One worksites within Kamloops and vicinity, which includes the area centred at Kamloops and includes Lillooet, the North Thompson to Blue River and east to Revelstoke ...
To contact the local executive, please reach out to your BCGEU area office.
Why is an American company sucking millions of public health dollars out of B.C.? Take action here: Did you know that BCGEU members working at LifeLabs are up ...
Component 7 includes members who work in colleges and institutes as instructors and support staff, in private environmental testing laboratories, legal services, and other related fields. Employers ...
Each component is divided into locals, which represent members in regional geographic areas. Locals elect representatives to the component executive, which represents all members in the component.
Unionizing your workplace with your coworkers presents an opportunity for better wages and benefits, job security, fairness in scheduling, stronger health & safety, a voice at your workplace, respect, ...
The BCGEU 2025 Scholarship applications are now open. You can find more information about the 2025 Scholarship program and the application form here. Applications are now closed for the 2024 ...
To contact the local executive, please reach out to your BCGEU area office.