Mortgage Guarantee Program The University will guarantee mortgage loans made by local banks for the purchase of a primary residence in the Lewisburg area up to 20% of appraised value or sale price ...
Whether you're just getting started investigating your business model, are looking to develop a business plan or are seeking to innovate and grow your business, the SBDC can help you succeed. We offer ...
You rose to the challenge and are ready to take on the world. While your time at Bucknell has come to an end, you'll forever be a part of the tight-knit global community of Bucknellians. We can't wait ...
Bucknell Student Health offers sexual health services to all students. Services include free barrier distribution, orders for and dispensing of some pharmaceutical birth control (including emergency ...
Biology professor collaborates on ‘Nature’ study finding some local ‘wild’ plants, are dependent on intervention by Indigenous peoples for their survival.
The Stadler Center for Poetry & Literary Arts seeks to foster in a wide and varied audience an appreciation for the diversity and richness of contemporary poetry and other literary arts. Our programs ...
I am interested in how (genetic underpinnings) and why (evolutionary reasons) animals are so diverse. To examine these questions, I integrate data from different scales, from molecules to organismal ...
You never know where your major in geology or environmental geosciences at Bucknell will take you next. You might trek across the Southwest on a spring break field trip or accompany your professor for ...
CSREG Faculty Colloquiums provide a venue to celebrate and learn about the scholarship of Bucknell faculty. These talks can serve as a sounding board for works in progress, trial runs for conference ...
Fellow of the American Society for Engineering Education (2020) Martin Award for Best Paper in ASEE Chemical Engineering Division (2018), with Katharyn Nottis, Margot Vigeant, Michael Prince, Amy ...