明天,“南北双核 好物联动”——湖北孝感首衡城&河北保定首衡 第二届新春年货大集启动仪式将在孝感首衡城盛大举行。这次的年货节上有什么好物呢?记者为您提前打探。
为了广泛发动群众参与社会治安防控,武汉市公安局武昌分局组建了一支 由居民群众和机关单位安保人员组成的应急处置力量—“黄鹤卫士”。那么这只队伍组建之后的效果如何呢?一起来看看。
福清新闻网1月14日讯 1月8日,市应急管理局江阴分局监管人员深入江阴危化品生产企业开展春节前安全生产专项检查工作。 当天,检查组先后前往久策气体(福清)有限公司、福建省海欣药业股份有限公司、正太新材料有限责任公司、福建富轩科技有限公司等 ...
福清新闻网1月14日讯 1月12日,音西街道融侨城社区、行知小学联合举办“我们的节日·春节”党建引领系列活动。活动吸引了众多社区居民参加。 活动中,书法家们带领社区少年书法爱好者挥毫泼墨,写下一幅幅寓意美好的春联;志愿者指导居民制作“福”字 ...
无锡辰铸智能科技有限公司是一家年轻、开放的创新型科技企业,致力于为军工、汽车、重工、机械、电子、通讯等制造企业提供快速、便捷、专业的关键零部件生产服务,同时也是一家致力于关键零部件领域智能制造系统解决方案供应商,已形成覆盖全国的 ...
Sometimes good movies need just a little bit of time to find their audience and that appears to be the case with “Number 24," Netflix’s stirring new war thriller. This Norwegian movie landed ...
It just means that you see things differently. And that’s what each one of these movies does. By exploring race and injustice, they show things differently than what you might be accustomed to.
Diaz is actually back after 11 years not making movies. Downton Abbey's Michelle Dockery plays an Air Marshall transporting a witness (Topher Grace) across remote Alaska, with a pilot (Mark Wahlberg, ...
As Netflix pours more of its resources into original content, Amazon Prime Video is picking up the slack, adding new movies for its subscribers each month. Its catalog has grown so impressive ...
Sam Worthington, Zoe Saldaña, Sigourney Weaver, Stephen Lang, and Kate Winslet will reprise their roles from previous movies, joined by other returning figures, plus a few new faces. Although the ...