An Amazon spokesperson declined to comment. Sridharan oversaw the strategic direction and development of AWS's biggest AI products, including Bedrock and Sagemaker, according to a company profile.
You can create a release to package software, along with release notes and links to binary files, for other people to use. Learn more about releases in our docs.
This template provides a minimal setup to get React working in Vite with HMR and some ESLint rules.
SITE 14299 (14.7236°S 134.7456°E 15m AMSL), Commenced 2012 ...
In a letter on Thursday, the DPU requested that the gas companies, including Eversource and National Grid, begin reducing residential customers’ bills in March and April. However, the department ...
Governor Maura T. Healey ’92 to send letters to the DPU requesting a rate change. In Thursday’s letter, signed by DPU Chair James M. Van Nostrand, as well as Commissioners Cecile M.
DPU said it cannot order the utility companies to reduce February bills to residential customers. “The combination of increased supply costs, the recovery of unusually high programmatic costs ...
Outgoing CISA chief Jen Easterly called on buyers to demand better security standards from their software suppliers. The Security Think Tank considers what better means, and what best practice for ...
The DPU ordered 5% cuts to bills in March and April for residential customers of The Berkshire Gas Company, Boston Gas Company, National Grid, Eversource, NSTAR Gas Company, Fitchburg Gas and Electric ...
The DPU must act immediately to provide rate relief to customers in this heating season,” Healey said in a letter sent Sunday to DPU Chair Jamie Van Nostrand. The governor said that she ...
BOSTON — Gov. Maura Healey is calling on the Department of Public Utilities to “act immediately” to reduce skyrocketing energy costs for Massachusetts consumers. DPU plans talks with gas companies ...
Healey sent a letter Sunday to Jamie Vaan Nostrand, chair of the Massachusetts Department of Public Utilities (DPU) citing the “…increased financial burden comes at an already difficult time ...