d) any conceptus that is present and fails to implant will have been destroyed as an unintended and even unforeseen effect given the “lack of evidence supporting abortifacient effects of the ...
An East Donegal Township teenager used an abortion-inducing drug obtained over the internet after being told by an abortion ...
would be an abortifacient. Some emergency contraceptive treatments are based in folklore and often involve postcoital douching with herbs, fluids, or spermicide. Because sperm migrate to the ...
Before you chug-a-lug, be sure you're game to begin labor that way. Some people argue against using castor oil because they've heard it’s an abortifacient, a substance that causes abortion. While this ...
5:20 - these verses mention the word "sorcery." The Greek word is "pharmakeia" which includes abortifacient potions such as birth control pills. These pharmakeia are mortally sinful. Moreover ...