成果以“中国碳中和目标下空气质量-人体健康-清洁能源协同效应的正反馈机制(Amplified positive effects on air quality, health, and renewable energy under China's ...
针对上述挑战, 清华大学 安全学院袁宏永、张小乐团队提出了一种堆叠式集成机器学习(Stacking-based Ensemble Machine Learning)高时空分辨率颗粒数浓度模拟方法(Stem-PNC),融合数据驱动模型与物理化学模型,在区域尺度上实现了高空间(1 km)和高时间(1小时)分辨率的UFPs暴露评估,为超细颗粒物的暴露水平和健康风险评估提供了新的思路。
发展公共交通,是解决气候和经济发展问题的关键之一。然而,运力增长带来的成本激增,令全球许多城市的公共交通系统不堪重负。对此,世界资源研究所(WRI)通过深入研究全球相关案例,梳理出了探索多元化资金来源的成功实践:这些经验有助于各城市为公共交通系统构建 ...
2024 年 2 月,国家癌症中心赫捷院士团队在《国家癌症中心杂志》上发表了一篇题为《2022 年中国癌症发病率和死亡率》(Cancer incidence and mortality in China, ...
为解决 COPD 管理难题,中国医学科学院 & 北京协和医学院的研究人员开展数字健康技术与 AI 算法在 COPD 中应用的研究。结果显示这些技术在多方面有应用潜力。推荐阅读,助您把握该领域前沿,启发相关科研思路。
Myanmar Airways International (MAI) has announced the launch of its direct flight from Yangon to Penang, scheduled to begin in April.Penang shares a historic cultural connection with Myanmar. George T ...
China's top economic planner, the National Development and Reform Commission (NDRC), on Tuesday pledged to further remove ...
A vertiport hub for urban air mobility (UAM) is being built near Pazhou Ferry Terminal, Haizhu district of Guangzhou, as announced at the district's High-quality Development Conference on February 7.
Modern life makes us tired, right? But research from societies in Africa and South America suggests people in the ancient ...
Modern life makes us tired, right? But research from societies in Africa and South America suggests people in the ancient ...