Abstract: The present paper applies the concept of extended delayed feedback control, a commonly used method for controlling chaos, to a quenching phenomenon (i.e., amplitude death) in time-delay ...
Abstract: A synthetic aperture radar (SAR) image transform method is proposed based on random period amplitude and frequency shifting joint modulation. The random period amplitude sequence is designed ...
This valuable study investigates the oscillatory activity of gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH ... algorithm and signals between –60–360 s around each peak were separated to visualize the remaining ...
In a harmonic oscillator, the equation that describes mass dislocation, or the behavior of its velocity with time, is always expressed in a sinusoidal function, which provides the following variables: ...
This valuable study investigates the oscillatory activity of gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH ... (A) A representative example of 24-h GCaMP6 photometry recording showing abrupt dendron ...
To study the characteristics of Gunn oscillator Gun diode as modulated source. Objectives:- To study the characteristics of Gunn oscillator Gun diode as modulated source.
A diode mixer or ring modulator (corrected circuit ... as a frequency mixer in which an AC signal and the output of an oscillator are mixed to create their sum and their difference.