IT之家 2 月 7 日消息,彭博社马克・古尔曼(Mark Gurman)今天(2 月 7 日)发布博文,报道称苹果最快下周发布 iPhone SE 4 外,还可能同步更新推出新款 iPad Air 和 MacBook Air。
Pick up an M4 Pro 14-inch MacBook Pro at a $250 discount and enjoy the comfort of it delivered to your doorstep.
If you’re in the Apple ecosystem and want to grab yourself a new laptop, you’re two main options are a MacBook Air or a MacBook Pro, which is great, because they’re both considered some of ...
Apple CEO Steve Jobs announced the MacBook Pro 19 years ago today at the 2006 Macworld Conference & Expo. Jobs unveiled the ‌MacBook Pro‌ as the first Mac notebook to transition from PowerPC ...
Apple has taken another significant step in expanding its Self Service Repair program, now offering parts and tools for all M4-powered Macs, including the MacBook Pro, iMac, and Mac mini, in the U.S.
IT之家 1 月 18 日消息,苹果 Apple 合肥万象城零售店今日(1 月 18 日)上午 10 时正式开业,这也是安徽省首家 Apple Store 零售店。 IT之家注:新店位于合肥市蜀山区潜山路 111 号合肥万象城商场一层,坐落于合肥天鹅湖商圈,是合肥重要的商业和金融中心,营业时间 10:00 - 22:00。