正是抓住了这一趋势,戴尔科技推出了戴尔APEX云平台(Dell APEX Cloud Platform),这是一项完全集成的交钥匙解决方案,融合了戴尔的硬件、软件以及云生态,致力于为企业提供一致性的多云管理体验。戴尔APEX云平台特别支持Dell APEX Cloud Platform for Microsoft Azure和Dell APEX Cloud Platform for Red Hat ...
随着各行业数字化转型步伐的加快,企业对于云计算的需求日益深化,混合云作为兼具公有云灵活性和私有云可控性的解决方案,已成为众多企业构建技术基础设施的首选。据IDC最新发布的《IDC ...
Football team modernizes IT infrastructure by deploying Nutanix hyperconverged infrastructure equipment and embracing the ...
Below is a summary of changes and updates made to the terms over the past 12 months. To see prior months, change the effective date in the top navigation to view a ...
Hewlett Packard Enterprise (NYSE:HPE) experienced a significant share price decline of 20% over the last week, primarily due to issuing disappointing earnings guidance for the current quarter and ...
List built-in policy definitions for Azure Policy. Categories include Tags, Regulatory Compliance, Key Vault, Kubernetes, Azure Machine Configuration, and more.