Why are some people in the green building industry so bullish on bamboo? -- Tim Carey, Puyallup, Washington Answer: Bamboo, one of the fastest-growing plants on the planet, is well-known as a ...
Nature meets craftsmanship! Watch as we construct a swimming pool and fish pond entirely from 100% bamboo, using only primitive tools and techniques. From weaving a strong bamboo frame to creating a ...
Volunteers of the mobile bamboo library conduct storytelling sessions and sandbox activities for kids living in communities in the UP Campus village ...
Besides viewing the bamboo project, the visit was also to explore the research potential. Prof Siti Noor Linda said the visit provided the Unimas team an opportunity to identify ways for ...
President Prabowo Subianto appears to be reassessing all the national strategic projects introduced under his predecessor Joko "Jokowi" Widodo, including a tourism area construction in Lido, West Java ...