Pinocchio, who is an Andean bear, underwent a root canal. Originally from Ecuador, he was found abandoned as a cub and was ...
Everyone will finally be able to experience D.C.’s ‘pandamonium’ on Friday as the public will get their first glimpse of the National Zoo’s newest, and furriest friends. Since Bao Li and Qing Bao ...
The Nashville zoo's bear Pinnochio needed to get a root canal at the dentists!  Laura Schweizer was invited along for this ...
How early does the panda house open? What’s the best time to see the pandas awake and active? Here’s what you need to know as ...
Louisville Zoo officials said that polar bears Bo and Qannik are showing promising signs ahead of the breeding season. Bo, 6, ...
On a snow-blanketed field in Virginia, a handful of workers were silent but for the groan of a chainsaw chopping through bamboo -- a delicacy for their furry clients down the road in the US capital of ...
A Colorado court rejected efforts to free five elephants using a legal process for human detainees, writing that it “boils ...
Tuesday marked a full week the bears have been interacting with one another, Evans said. They were eating, playing, and ...
Some animals at the Detroit Zoo are loving these freezing days. The zoo was closed for part of this week due to the extreme ...
Polar bears are one of the most majestic, yet fearsome animals on the planet. The largest living species of bear and the ...
The Minnesota Zoo is hosting an ice bar, s'mores by a campfire and more winter activities on Jan. 25. Later that night, it'll ...