Last week the Tuscana project was set to be reviewed by Orange County’s Development Review Committee. But applicant ...
Upcoming events in Lake County include a Florida Highwaymen event March 15 at the Lake County Historical Society and Museum in Tavares and Lady Lake’s Sounds of Spring Concert Series on ...
"Tough." Homeowner pleads for answers after identifying mystery shrub: 'I'm not sure what to do with it' first appeared on ...
Create an all-inclusive bird sanctuary in your backyard with plants that provide what birds need most for food, shelter and ...
Going native is still a big garden design trend in 2025. Native plants are “at home” in our specific area, and over time have ...
You'll probably be able to renovate a big old shrub instead of removing it and replacing it. Two techniques will get the job done.
This family friendly event will feature historical presentations, a Civil War reenactment camp, and guided tours of the ...
2025年3月4日,“锦韵潮城·许村杯”2025中国(海宁)时尚面料创新竞赛评审会于中国海宁举行,汇聚了来自清华大学、浙江理工大学及多位顶尖设计师的评审专家。此次赛事旨在推动时尚面料的创新与研发,展示地方文化与科技的结合。 评审团成员包括纺织行业非遗推广大使祝成炎教授、Beautyberry品牌创始人王钰涛、SHIJIE诗简创始人施杰等。他们从材料、设计、织造等多方面对参赛作品进行了专业评审,尤其 ...
Several large shrubs/small trees will be available: Rhododendron canescens ‘Phlox Pink’, upright Yaupon holly, Simpson’s Stopper, beautyberry, wild coffee, button bush, strawberry bush ...