The BenQ 27-inch Designer Monitor, on the other hand, makes a lot of different choices that some Mac users will appreciate more. For example, Studio Display has no power button. Designer Monitor ...
You can also manually adjust low blue light options, with five intensity levels to flick between, while BenQ says its Flicker-Free Technology “eliminates flickering... to reduce eye strain ...
If you’re a graphic designer but your budget doesn’t reach Eizo levels, then there are some extremely compelling reasons to choose the BenQ PD2706U. Let’s start with the obvious: this is a ...
美泰MG100便携式LED观片灯,可针对X光片进行逐一查看。其采用大功率LED面光源、亚克力材质观察屏,性能稳定、构造坚固、均匀度高、操作简单,可人性化限定LED色温、无极调光,能够更好的满足使用需求,被广泛的应用于X射线探伤进行底片观察和评定,是提高 ...
美泰MUV-2Y型全自动液压拉床,通过单片机控制加工缺口,其采用液压传动的双刀结构,双刀双工位,一次加工拉削成型,加工质量可靠且同一性好;拉刀采用特殊材料、特殊工艺精密加工制造,硬度高、耐磨性好,使用寿命长。该液压拉床为冲击试验的专业配置 ...
Critical Manufacturing Schematics are meant to be a quick and easy way of getting started with CMF IoT Tasks and UI Customization projects, by providing a basic structure for the project and all the ...