The pretty flowers are a great addition to your garden, and if you want them to thrive this spring, then you'll need to put ...
Climbing roses need to be pruned in late winter/early spring to maintain their vigour and produce an abundance of blooms, but knowing exactly when to prune a climbing rose is cri ...
Valentine’s Day marks the time for lovers, pruning roses and planting potatoes.  Some of you may be timid about pruning roses. Don’t be – pruning roses can only be learned by pruning roses.The growth ...
Pruning roses ensures that the plants flower well each year and is an especially important task if you have climbing roses.
Trimming away the dead wood now will guarantee you an abundance of flowers come summer, according to a gardening expert who ...
Q I have a Christmas cactus that I have had for several years. It bloomed the first year I got it and has never bloomed since ...
Valentine’s Day is two weeks away! Whether you swap treasures with a romantic partner, a friend or kiddos in your life, it’s ...
Instead of settling on a singular bouquet, sign your sweetie up for a monthly flower subscription to keep the love going well ...
Whatever the weather, February is for gardeners a month of re-awakening, eager anticipation, and careful preparation.
Welcome to The Flower Fields in Carlsbad, California, where nature puts on a show that would make even the most jaded ...
Welcome to The Flower Fields in Carlsbad, a 50-acre living canvas that would make even Claude Monet drop his paintbrush in ...
While February is a great month for pruning, that will also be affected by weather. The weather can dictate when plants begin breaking dormancy. Too many days with 50- to 60-degree temperatures can ...