Pictures showed servicemen training for eventualities of modern warfare while wearing full anti-nuclear and chemical gear, ...
The American base on Okinawa has relocated 105 Marines. But an agreement to move 9,000 in total is colliding with the perceived threat from a rising China. The American base on Okinawa has ...
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An infantry battalion known as the “China Marines,” has been reborn as a littoral combat team as part of the Marine Corps’ force structure changes that focus on China and the Pacific.
Chemical, Biological, Radiological, and Nuclear (CBRN) Security Market: The chemical security type is to exhibit significant growth in the near future. The chemical, biological, radiological, and ...
12-17, 2025. Highly trained Soldiers from the 172nd Chemical Company (Hazard Response) and the 21st Chemical Company (Hazard Response) joined together with Sailors, Marines and Airmen under the ...
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These are the approximate positions of the U.S. Navy’s deployed carrier strike groups and amphibious ready groups throughout the world… ...
Tonix Pharmaceuticals (TNXP) announced it has been awarded a grant from the Medical CBRN Defense Consortium, MCDC, to support the development of TNX-801. MCDC is a consortium of industrial ...
NEW DELHI: Adding to Indian Army’s CBRN (chemical, biological, radiological and nuclear) capabilities the force has signed a contract for the procurement of 223 Automatic Chemical Agent ...