The City of Johannesburg (COJ) has approved a new by-law to regulate closed circuit television (CCTV) cameras deployed in the city. According to the COJ, the aim of the by-law is to provide for ...
The City of Johannesburg has approved a new by-law to regulate privately-owned closed-circuit television (CCTV) surveillance in public spaces and private property and enforce their registration ...
Dell is top dog in revenue and market share as its storage array range – still largely EMC-derived – deepens its cloud, ...
New CCTV footage shows one of the last moments a British businessman was seen alive before his body was found inside a sack in Kenya. Campbell Scott was last seen by colleagues shortly after ...
Safeguard your data and/or increase your capacity with an on-sale SSD or HDD. Especially if you're in the business of video and photo editing or enjoy playing video games.
Description: CCTV Tractor Camera inspections for part of the stormwater drainage network to determine its structural and serviceability conditions. Drainage pipe locations have been selected ...
Virtual DSM in a Docker container.
央视网消息:据国家安全部微信公众号消息,在数字化浪潮推动下,物联网已融入我们的生活,为我们带来了诸多便利的同时,境外间谍情报机关通过物联网窃取敏感信息、实施网络攻击的风险也正日益增加。 物联网安全不可小觑 物联网,即万物相连的互联网 ...
央视网消息:据“最高人民法院”微信公众号消息,电信网络诈骗犯罪持续多发高发,犯罪形势严峻复杂,呈现跨境化、链条化、暴力化新特点,衍生偷越国(边)境、非法拘禁等一系列犯罪活动,严重侵害人民群众生命财产安全。党中央高度重视打击治理电信 ...
We've been hands-on with all the latest storage upgrades so you can find the best PS5 external hard drive for your system. Nothing is worse than downloading the latest PS Plus Premium games, or ...