Did you know that your favourite chocolate originates from the cacao plant? This grows wild in Central and South America and cultivating it can be a forest-friendly source of income for people who ...
However, a major new study reveals that forests across the Americas are not adapting quickly enough to keep pace with climate change, raising concerns about their long-term resilience. Tropical ...
The forest biomass industry — cutting forests to make wood pellets to be burned in power plants — will continue booming through 2030, says a new report. By then, pellets made in the U.S ...
The Collaborative Partnership on Forests (CPF) is an innovative voluntary interagency partnership on forests that was established in April 2001 in response to an invitation issued in the ...
Deze hotspot is de derde grootste ter wereld en omvat alle subtropische en tropische ecosystemen van centraal Mexico tot aan het Panamakanaal. Ancient Maya City and Protected Tropical Forests of ...
Forests, pillars of global food security and nutrition, are the livelihoods of millions of families. They provide essential foods such as fruits, seeds, roots and wild meat, fundamental resources ...
ecologists and space research specialists affiliated with several institutions in Brazil has found that despite efforts by the government to preserve the country's coastal tropical forests ...
Get Instant Summarized Text (Gist) Forests with multiple tree species store significantly more carbon than monocultures, even under extreme weather conditions. Data from a long-term tropical tree ...