The average RRR for China's financial institutions now stands at 6.6 percent, and there is still room for further reduction, ...
China is fully confident in achieving the economic growth target of around 5 percent this year as there is solid foundation, ...
中国动画电影《哪吒2》已超越《星球大战:原力觉醒》的全球票房, 于周六以152亿元人民币(207.5亿美元)的总票房闯入全球票房前五。
A China intensificará sua política macroeconômica este ano, com um aumento significativo nos gastos do governo e um maior ...
A China reduzirá as taxas do depósito compulsório (RRRs, sigla em inglês) e as taxas de juros nos momentos apropriados durante este ano, de acordo com as condições econômicas e financeiras domésticas ...
BEIJING, 6 mar (Xinhua) -- China mantendrá la flexibilidad del tipo de cambio, al tiempo que fortalecerá la orientación de las expectativas y se protegerá resueltamente contra el riesgo de variaciones ...
近期,香港大公报连续发表多篇评论,痛批李嘉诚旗下的长江和记实业将巴拿马运河经营权转卖给美国财团。许多墙内网民将矛头对准李嘉诚,指责他是典型的汉奸卖国贼,是“押宝中美对抗美国会赢”。而一些墙外网民则调侃李嘉诚嗅觉敏锐,总是在关键时刻全身而退,并对中国的 ...
For 19 years, Henan Normal University professor Ding Yongxiang has led efforts to rescue Huai Opera, a 300-year-old ...
As a deputy to the National People's Congress, Xia champions cultural innovation as key to global influence. "Ethnic culture must innovate to thrive," she says, proving that tradition, when woven with ...