艺人张智霖、陈小春、谢天华、梁汉文、林晓峰、周柏豪及吴卓羲因拍摄综艺节目《披荆斩棘的哥哥》第一及第二季而大受欢迎,他们更组成“大湾仔”,并拍摄了两季的衍生节目《大湾仔的夜》,(24日)他们提前过年,多位哥哥难得相聚一齐吃团年饭,他们将短片放上社交网, ...
Ainsley Harriott is in the kitchen and cooks up a Christmas feast. He welcomes guests to eat, drink, and be merry with him. He serves up flavourful food to welcome in the New Year.
When the mayor decides to impose an inoffensive holiday theme that won't offend anybody, Kyle thinks he has the answer with Mr Hankey, a talking poo.