February 22 saw a big scientific breakthrough with the successful cloning of a mammal for the first time in 1997. Dolly was ...
The cloning of embryos for generating stem cells, a process that holds promise for the future treatment of deadly diseases such as diabetes and Parkinson's, is delicate yet straightforward.
Cell line development plays a pivotal role in the manufacturing of therapeutic proteins, vaccines and other biologics. Generation of a stable, high-performance, monoclonal cell line producing a ...
In contrast, the efficiency of cloning is significantly improved when ... and embryo development after sperm penetration is not a process of reprogramming of gene expression, but of differentiation.
If you were old enough to watch the news or read the paper back in the late 1990s, you very likely remember Dolly, the cloned ...
Prior to the development of PCR in the 1980s, the primary method for producing many copies of a gene was a relatively time-consuming process known as DNA cloning. This technique involved insertion ...
With auto thefts on the rise in the Panhandle, thieves are now doing their best to outsmart buyers with a process known as vehicle cloning.