A single-judge bench of justice Arif Doctor said the mediation was the first scope of resolution between the two brothers, who are battling over the use of the brand ‘Lodha’ in their real estate busin ...
Iowa is among 26 states that does not have a process that allows citizens an opportunity to begin the process of amending the state constitution; that process currently is started by state lawmakers.
Private attorneys hired by Louisiana State University are asking a district court judge to either stay or dissolve a temporary restraining order involving LSU law professor Ken Levy.
The Karnataka Health Department implemented the Supreme Court’s right-to-dignity guidelines, allowing terminally ill patients to end life support via a two-tier medical review and court approval.
Two of three variances for the sign passed that night. While the other votes were close, the final regulatory pass — allowing Constantino to advertise a product not available on ...
A group of immigrant advocacy centers has filed suit against the DOJ and the Department of Homeland Security for shutting down legal orientation programs for immigrants.